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Why is Sitting the New Smoking?

young woman experiencing back pain sitting at her desk

Smoking kills 500,000 people a year in our country, according to the American Lung Association. It is a tragedy, considering it is the number one preventable cause of death in the U.S. When people say, “sitting is the new smoking,” the words represent a feeling more than a statistical fact, but it is a valid problem. 

How Much Do Americans Sit?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that Americans spend between 6.5 and 8 hours sitting each day. Many will spend this time as desk workers, but common pastimes like television, reading, or playing computer games involve sitting for extended periods. 

What’s So Bad About Sitting?

Prolonged sitting, and therefore general inactivity of the body, has a high potential for adverse health consequences. Some of the outcomes of an overly sedentary lifestyle can include: 

  • Poor heart health
  • Weight gain
  • Depression
  • Dementia
  • High blood pressure
  • Low metabolism
  • Blood clots
  • Back and spine issues
  • Weak muscles

Some studies have even linked sitting for too long with an increased cancer risk. 

Get Active to Stay Healthy

Don’t get too depressed by the horrible health possibilities associated with being stuck in a chair most of the day. It can be easy to build more activity into your routine. 

  • Take the stairs: Use the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator when at work or out shopping.
  • Take a walk: Get off the bus early and walk the last few blocks to your destination. 
  • Park down the block: If you’re driving, park further away and enjoy a few minutes outside before you arrive.
  • Bring the bike: If feasible, or outside work times, consider biking instead of bringing the car.
  • Adjust your desk: Standing desks are a somewhat new thing; consider adding one to your workspace and spending part of the day standing.
  • Walk and talk: Try taking phone calls while standing or pacing to keep your body moving.
  • Do some chores: Walk the dog, wash the car, mow the lawn. All these activities will get your body moving and contribute to better health. 
  • Get health insurance: When all else fails, make sure a trip to the doctor is not out of the question.

How To Get a Better Deal on Health Insurance

The younger and healthier you are, the lower your premiums will be. If you don’t have age on your side, you can still pay less if you are in good health. One way to start is to find ways to sit less during the day. From there, the CDC recommends 150 minutes of moderate activity each week (about 30 minutes on weekdays). 

Protect Your Health with Health Insurance

Getting active is a great way to stay healthy. Health insurance will protect you if a health issue arises, no matter your health status. More than that, advanced healthcare plans can help cover preventative visits and care so you stop illnesses before they start. Contact one of our knowledgeable healthcare insurance agents today to get help choosing a plan that suits your needs. 

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